"The Free Bird Method is more than just designing a space—it's about designing yourself through your home. Your home reflects who you are, and as you transform it, you transform yourself. By seeing your home as a foundation for self-discovery, you can align your space with what you love, clear out what no longer serves you, and create a life that truly reflects you."

the free bird method

What is the Free Bird Method & how does it work?  

Step 1: Understanding Your Current Story
Step 2: Defining Your Dream Life 
We start by exploring where you are in your current story. This gives us a clear reference point helping you identify what you want to change, upgrade, or transform in your home and life. 

Here, we'll clarify and express what you truly want—your bigger picture vision for your life. This serves as a powerful reference point, allowing you to compare it to your current reality (Script A) and identify what needs to shift. 

Step 3: Use Your Home to Align with Your Dream Story  
Your closet holds incredible insight into your life—it's where dreams, forgotten, desires, and things you've put on the back shelf all reside. Instead of simply decluttering, we bring these items into the open and let them speak to you

For instance, instead of just deciding, I don't wear these shoes anymore so I'll get rid of them, we go deeper.  You'll ask yourself: 

  • Do I like these shoes?
  • How do they make me feel?
  • Why do they make me feel that way?
  • Why aren't they part of my life now? 

If the answer is
they don't make me feel good, we'll explore why. Maybe they remind you of a past relationship, an old belief, or a dream you've put on hold. By uncovering and transforming that energy, you can release what no longer serves you or bring new meaning to the things you keep. 

For example, if you don't wear a pair of heals because you've been waiting for the "right event", we'll ask: Why aren't you creating that event for yourself? Once you see that you are the creator of your reality, the block disappears. 
This is where the magic happens. Because your home is a reflection of you, we'll use it as a tool to bridge the gap between your current story (Script A) and your dream life (Script B). Through the unique tools of The Free Bird Method, you'll uncover what's blocking your vision, identify what needs to be cleared, and create space for your authentic self to shine. The goal is to make transformation feel natural, fun and effortless. 

This method helps us shift from being victims of our story to conscious creators of our reality. Once we realize we aren’t victims—whether the story is good or bad—we can transform it with ease and grace.

Although The Free Bird Method is about transformation, you can use it in both small and big ways. 

Whether you're doing a simple room makeover or a full home transformation, the goal is always the same: to connect with yourself and your dreams, and create what you truly want. Change is key to creating the life we desire. When we embrace change with intention, we can transform with ease—without the struggle. 
Example: Your closet as a window into your story 

"Book a free call to discover how this process can transform your space—and your life!"

a transformational approach to home & life design

how we will work together?  

"I highly recommend Molly for her work and more importantly for who she is. She has completely transformed my empty space into this beautiful, warm, loving home. Molly is honest, hardworking, authentic, sincere, and caring. She is very intuitive, has this big beautiful heart, and wants nothing but the best for you. I cannot recommend Molly enough.